This photo is too modified!!!!
I've never had problems with criticism, even ferocious (welcome! They are the engine of creative growth), but these statements on a photo always leave the time they find. I try to tell you my personal point of view on post-production.
Baraggia, the Biella savannah
A patch of land between Candelo and Cossato transports you to landscapes thousands of kilometers away.
The Berlin Wall, 30 years later
Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, every meter that remains is a wonderful and moving experience.
The great lie of Terezin
Starting November 1941, the Nazis transformed the fortress of Theresienstadt, in the Czech Republic annexed in 1938, into a ghetto thanks to the funding of Jewish families.
The last section of the Cavour Canal
After a journey of over seventy kilometers, the Cavour Canal enters the Galliate area and yields part of its waters to give life to the Vigevano branch.
Leri Cavour
Leri Cavour was the country residence of Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour, the farmhouse where I invent modern rice-growing.
Street or no street! This is the question ...
Many photography friends are familiar with my critical point of view on “Street Photography”: I don't understand the need for this definition, for this label.
In Val d’Ayas with Livio Bourbon to promote the refuge of the Frachey guides
Two wonderful days spent working, with Livio Bourbon and other friends, on a small service to promote the refuge of the Frachey guides.
Cavour Canal, where everything starts
Canale Cavour stars in Chivasso. The intake building is a beautiful building built in industrial liberty style.
The Cavour Canal in Vettignè and the Elvo siphon-tombs
Vettignè is a village lost in the rice fields between Santhià and Formigliana, it is a magical place at many times of the year.
“Corri Cavour” the first relay race along the 85 kilometers of the Canal!
The race was organized by the Compagnia delle Acque Correnti, born in East Sesia among colleagues who are passionate about running, and by Coutenza Canali Cavour as part of the reclamation and irrigation week organized by ANBI.
Canale Cavour, the Formigliana unloader
One of the places in Canale Cavour that I love the most, because we had a difficult relationship at the beginning: the Formigliana unloader is easy to reach and is surrounded by a beautiful poplar grove.
A dawn on the Cavour Canal
Weeks of waiting, using The Photographer's Ephemeris to calculate the exact moment in which the sunrise would have been perfectly aligned with the Cavour Canal and where.
The Cavour Canal dry
The “asciutta“ is that particular moment in which the canals are emptied in order to carry out the necessary maintenance.
150 years of Cavour Canal
The Cavour Canal always fascinated me, it is a long carpet of water that unrolls placidly and almost motionless across our land, the Po valley. We often perceive it only with the corner of our eye as we drive along one of the many bridges that cross it.
A day among the olive trees
A great day organized by the friends of the Albenga Foto Festival immersed in the olive trees of Casanova Lerrone, where Fabio still has a small mill with stone millstones that produces a wonderful olive oil.
Life in italian rice fields in early nineteenth century
We have created a photographic set at Cascina Colombara to represent life in the Italian rice fields of the early nineteenth century.
The Great Rice Mandala of Vercelli
An event can have the power to unite people: the photographic story of five wonderful days.