The challenge? Taking pictures at home means looking for a new look at everyday objects

From day to day I found myself unable to go out to go to work, no longer being able to go trekking and photographing in nature, no longer being able to go out at night to develop the project I had already been working on for months.
I think I've always been a positive person, so I wanted to see the lockdown period caused by COVID-19 as an opportunity rather than a limitation. Or rather, having limits often creates the opportunity to test our creativity.
I admit that for a couple of weeks I was blown away: the abstinence from photography increased every day, but I couldn't find an idea, a subject.
Then I remembered a couple of shots seen years ago and the idea came up: why not try to look at the everyday objects that we all have at home and try to look at them with a different eye?
To make those objects, so common and normal, evoke something else?
But this project is not meant to be still-life. At least not in the traditional sense. It is a way to test yourself, get out of your comfort zone, train your way of seeing and "playing" with photography in a different way.
I wanted to constructively exploit the lockdown period, transform it into an opportunity to grow.